
Simple React.js console emulator.



Simple prompt that echoes back input:

let EchoConsole = React.createClass({
    echo: function(text) {
    render: function() {
        return <Console ref="console"

See the example project used in the live demo.


npm install --save-dev react-console-component



Properties you can pass to the console element

Prop Type Description
autofocus? bool Autofocus the console on component mount.
cancel? ()=>any Function that should stop execution of the current command and call this.return().
complete? (words: string[], cursor: number, prompt: string)=>string[] Return a list of possible completions given a list of (words), index of the word containing the cursor (cursor) , and the full prompt text (prompt).
continue? (prompt: string)=>bool Return a boolean indicating whether to continue asking for user input on a newline given the current prompt text (prompt).
handler (command: string)=>any Handle a command (command), logging data with this.log() or this.logX(), and calling this.return() when finished.
promptLabel? string | ()=>string String or function that generates a string displayed to prompt user for input.
welcomeMessage? string Initial message displayed after mount.

Public members

Member Type Description
log (...messages: any)=>void Log messages to the console. If string, print the value, otherwise, print the JSON value of the message.
logX (type: string, ...messages: any)=>void Log messages of a particular type to the console. The messages will be given the class react-console-message-{type}.
return ()=>void Signal the current command has finished and a new prompt should be displayed.


React-console is inspired by chrisdone/jquery-console.